You can make a difference in a co-worker's life!
The Westmont Cares Vision
Westmont Cares is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit public benefit charity whose purpose is to assist Westmont team members experiencing financial hardships. Donations are accepted from fellow Westmont employees, residents, their families, and others in the community. 100% of the donations received go directly to Westmont Living team members in need. Donations to this charity are tax deductible.

"Thank you Andy and Rob for coming to our community and presenting Michael with his check.
It was hard hearing about his latest struggles, so I am glad this was done for him. He is such a hard worker and I know this means a lot to him.
I am so proud to work for a company like Westmont. I have wanted to let you know Rob, that since you have come on board, the time and effort you have added to employee appreciation and retention has not gone unnoticed.
Seeing Andy and the other home office-support in our community shows the team that Westmont truly does care. Through that sentiment I believe better care to our residents ir provided which as a director means so much to me.
Thank you for this wonderful visit."
- Cha Cha